
The Stike Story


Take your income to the next level

YESYEMTEE is the online opt-buying service that can save you money on your next purchase! Our cutting-edge technology allows us to find the best deals, so you can always get the best deal.

We believe that education should never be a luxury and we want to make sure that everyone has access to our content. That's why we created our recorded video series on stock market basics. This series covers everything you need to know to get started in the stock market, from understanding stocks and investment terminology to tips for successful stock investing.

Take your income to the next level

Why choose us to watch this video know more

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How we are Founded

Who is Sandhosh Madhavan

Santhosh Madhavan is the only stock market coach in Kerala who teaches the trading skills acquired through his years of penance / sabharya through the successful strategies of many billionaire traders and through his own practical experience.

Who is   Sandhosh Madhavan


YESYEMTEE vision is to help and support to the people who is interested in Stick marketing whather the person is a beginner, house wife, part time job, full time Job basis .



We are a company who will focus on offering strategies to help its customers earn income and grow their wealth through stock marketing. We believe that it is important for everyone to have the opportunity to achieve financial stability and security through saving, investing, and trading


Meet our experts always ready to help you

Sandhosh Madhavan

Sandhosh Madhavan

PS Thomas

PS Thomas

Supporting your customers on the go with our mobile app
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Supporting your customers on the go with our mobile app

Whats our clients said about Stike